Wednesday, May 9, 2018

The Star Cabinet finale.

It's finally beginning to be the cabinet I'd envisioned. It took a lot of sanding, and then, beginning with some crushed blackberries... I slowly began to give the raw wood a tone and finish. The wonderful red tones of the sewing surface inspired the entire piece. I wanted to be able to save and complement those reds. Blackberry juice added more red to the outside surfaces until it almost became too red.

I'd anticipated some change and hoped that a few poly coats might tame the flames, but eventually I had to give in. The reds were showing well on the cabinets panels, but hardly at all on the legs. Is was time to walk away from it for a few days - which is what I did.

There was a moment when I considered something more 'old school punk' as in solid blacks and pink, but eventually the cabinet showed me the way.  Using a home made rubbing finish, I selectively added color. The hardest part was that knowing that every coat darkened the exterior and dark wasn't what I wanted. In the end I had to compromise.

Here, you can see where I'm nearly finished. One more rub down on the sewing area should still keep the wonderful red tones and hopefully come a shade closer to matching the inside of the leaf. The legs and top are darker but the contrast isn't alarming. The tones might be different, but they're still shades of a single color.

It's down to to one last decision. Which machine to set inside?  I'll post a few different pictures and see which one seems to fit the new identity. It sure is a far cry from the coats of blue latex paint, and I don't mind. It's a perfect cabinet for a little creative expression. I'm starting to consider the 16 and a half length machines, as well as the blue and the greens. Even as I say this though... I have a feeling I already know which machine will look best. I wonder if anyone else will agree...

Originally, I had the Nelco above in mind. I thought the colors might complement each other. Now, I'm wondering if that whole pink and black thing wouldn't work here as well?

1 comment:

  1. You did a beautiful job with the wood! The wood looks so warm and inviting for a machine!
